Pathfinder Animal Equipment Slots

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Eyes Slot Wondrous Items. The eyes slot consists of eyes, goggles, lenses, monocles, spectacles, and other items that can be worn over the eyes. Anyone can use an eyes slot wondrous item unless specified otherwise by its description. These wondrous items are usually use-activated or triggered by a command word, but details vary from item to item. Pathfinder Animal Slots, tipos de baile casino, where to report gambling winnings on 1040, planet win 365 hive poker. Visit Casino T&C's Apply. Equipment First. Visit Casino T&C's Apply. Casino Player's Guide. Stake £30 on any slot games to get a £50 Casino Bonus that you can use on several slots.


  • Alchemical Creations
  • Clothing & Containers
  • Locks, Keys, Tools & Kits
Wealth and Money

Table: Starting Character Wealth
Other Wealth
Selling Treasure

Cold Iron
Silver, Alchemical

Weapon Qualities
Masterwork Weapons

Masterwork Armor
Armor for Unusual Creatures
Getting Into and Out of Armor

Table: Starting Character Wealth
ClassStarting WealthAverage
Alchemist3d6 × 10 gp105 gp
Arcanist2d6 × 10 gp70 gp
Barbarian3d6 × 10 gp105 gp
Bard3d6 × 10 gp105 gp
Bloodrager3d6 × 10 gp105 gp
Brawler3d6 × 10 gp105 gp
Cavalier5d6 x 10 gp175 gp
Cleric4d6 × 10 gp140 gp
Druid2d6 × 10 gp70 gp
Fighter5d6 x 10 gp175 gp
Gunslinger5d6 x 10 gp175 gp
Hunter4d6 × 10 gp140 gp
Inquisitor4d6 × 10 gp140 gp
Investigator3d6 × 10 gp105 gp
Kineticist1d6 × 10 gp35 gp
Magus4d6 × 10 gp140 gp
Medium4d6 × 10 gp140 gp
Mesmerist3d6 × 10 gp105 gp
Monk1d6 × 10 gp35 gp
Occultist4d6 × 10 gp140 gp
Oracle3d6 × 10 gp105 gp
Paladin5d6 × 10 gp175 gp
Psychic2d6 × 10 gp70 gp
Ranger5d6 × 10 gp175 gp
Rogue4d6 × 10 gp140 gp
Shaman3d6 × 10 gp105 gp
Skald3d6 × 10 gp105 gp
Slayer5d6 × 10 gp175 gp
Sorcerer2d6 × 10 gp70 gp
Spiritualist2d6 × 10 gp70 gp
Summoner2d6 × 10 gp70 gp
Swashbuckler5d6 × 10 gp175 gp
Vigilante5d6 × 10 gp175 gp
Warpriest5d6 × 10 gp175 gp
Wizard2d6 × 10 gp70 gp
Witch3d6 × 10 gp105 gp

Each character begins play with a number of gold pieces that he can spend on weapons, armor, and other equipment.

As a character adventures, he accumulates more wealth that can be spent on better gear and magic items. Table: Starting Character Wealth lists the starting gold piece values by class. In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. For characters above 1st level, see Table: Character Wealth by Level.


Table: Coins
Exchange Valuecpspgppp
Copper piece (cp)11/101/1001/1,000
Silver piece (sp)1011/101/100
Gold piece (gp)1001011/10
Platinum piece (pp)1,000100101

The most common coin is the gold piece (gp). A gold piece is worth 10 silver pieces (sp). Each silver piece is worth 10 copper pieces (cp). In addition to copper, silver, and gold coins, there are also platinum pieces (pp), which are each worth 10 gp.

The standard coin weighs about a third of an ounce (50 to the pound).

Other Wealth

Merchants commonly exchange trade goods without using currency. As a means of comparison, some trade goods are detailed on Table: Trade Goods.

Selling Treasure

In general, a character can sell something for half its listed price, including weapons, armor, gear, and magic items. This also includes character-created items.

Pathfinder Animal Equipment Slots Games

Trade goods are the exception to the half-price rule. A trade good, in this sense, is a valuable good that can be easily exchanged almost as if it were cash itself.

Starting Treasure

Source GMG

By default, we tend to think of starting characters as inexperienced beginners who have scraped together a few coins to equip themselves with mundane items for a new life of adventure. By adjusting what beginning characters start with, you can use starting treasure to define the characters, making them part of the world they’re about to explore.

Starting Play With Magic Items

Giving each of the PCs a starting magic item makes them more robust and capable from the jump, and can be useful for smaller groups. Campaign concepts in which the characters already enjoy wealth, status, or recognition might also be reinforced with starting magic. For example, the PCs might be the younger generation of a land’s great trading houses. It makes narrative sense for their families to give them a leg up over other adventurers.

One option is to grant the players a collective budget of 1,500 gp per person, which they can use to buy any number of magic items. Leave them alone to agree on a distribution; they might get one mighty item, used by only one of them, or many lesser ones, so everybody gets something. The budget can only be spent on magic; they don’t get to keep leftover cash.

Keep a close eye on what the players purchase, and veto anything that might break the game from the beginning. Also be prepared to adjust encounter difficulties to account for the increased competence of magically equipped parties.

Be careful starting young or inexperienced players with magic items. Giving the stuff away can devalue the classic moment when a player finds her first piece of magical gear out in the wild.

Heirloom Items

When characters start play with magical items, ask players to create a brief story explaining how they got them. The story should not only reveal something about the item, but also about the person who carries it. Avoid bogging down the introductory adventure with a recitation of each description. Instead, space them out by waiting until the items see use in play, prompting each player to supply his own anecdote. We’re calling these heirloom items, because the most obvious story is that the item was handed down in the character’s family. This explanation humanizes the character and creates a supporting cast the GM can bring into narrative moments. No longer are the PCs rootless vagabonds; they have a history, and people they care about. Alternative explanations are as varied as your players’ creativity. An item might be a loan from an organization or patron, which you can weave into your campaign as it develops. Characters might tell of finding the item themselves, in a moment predating their adventuring careers. A rogue might have stolen her item, implying an enemy character who may appear later looking to get it back. Consider ways to build on each mini-narrative, crafting them into a broader story.

Non-magical equipment can also be treated as heirlooms, especially for characters from impoverished backgrounds. That scuffed-up suit of leather armor might be a hand-me-down from a roguish uncle, or a precious bit of loot from a terrible battle that took place nearby a generation ago.

Setting Items

Another way to add flavor to starting magic items is to use them to introduce details of your world. Make a list of each treasure item selected, or the most notable piece of standard gear carried by each PC. Avoid consumable items, which are unlikely to have survived long enough to have interesting histories attached to them. Develop quick snippets of narration referring to their histories. For example:

  • “Your sword’s blade is new, but the haft is a crude, cast-iron handgrip bearing the runes of a king who ruled a duergar kingdom 2 centuries ago. The haft gives your sword its magic.”
  • “Faint hieroglyphs on the hand of the mage you wear around your neck date it to an ancient period. The mummified appendage might have belonged to a vizier of a god-king, who lived and breathed 5,000 years ago.” Highlight facts about the world you expect to take on greater significance in the course of play. Alternatively, you might choose random setting details and then use them as inspiration for adventure hooks.

Plot Items

Plot items work like setting items, except that, instead of referring to great events of the past, they set up future developments in the PCs’ personal stories. Introduce them to the players before the action begins, perhaps with a brief description on an index card. Be careful not to impose choices that alter a player’s character background. Work with the player until you have a hook that works for you, and a personal detail that fits her vision. Although secrets occasionally lead to interesting play, backstories the players are willing to share with the rest of the group are more likely to take an active role in play.

At a suitable moment in the action, invite the player to describe the item and its backstory to the other players. Examples include:

  • “I found this magical feather in a red vellum envelope, slipped under my door at the inn the day before I set out for the big city. A note inside was signed only, ‘Your benefactor.’” (The gift establishes a mystery, the identity of the benefactor, which you can slowly develop and finally reveal.)
  • “This darkwood shield was given to me by my uncle, who said it saved his hide several times, back during the gnoll raids.” (This detail introduces a mentor figure who can give the PCs crotchety advice, and sets up the possibility that the gnolls will rise again to terrorize the area.)

Mighty Items

Under ordinary circumstances, avoid giving starting PCs magical weapons that would normally be reserved for much higher-level characters. Overpowered items can wreak havoc with your ability to scale encounters to the characters’ capabilities.

As a change of pace, though, a powerful item can drive the premise for a campaign or a series of linked adventures within a campaign. Getting an item that outclasses them leads the PCs into a series of crises. Entities better equipped to use the item hunt them down and try to take it away from them. Political leaders treat them as a destabilizing threat to public order. Do-good sages try to capture the dangerous item and lock it in a vault forever. Meanwhile, the characters realize that they have a goal to achieve or duty to perform that requires them to hold onto the item until certain events occur or conditions are met.

For starting PCs, a major item may be mighty enough to make the plot work. Relics or artifacts, however, carry more cachet and are more likely to be received with a mixture of glee and fear. Create a new artifact for the purpose, or modify an existing one. Limit its number of uses so that the characters can occasionally use it to blow through superior opposition, but can’t rely on it to overcome every obstacle they run up against. The players should have to think hard before pulling it from their arsenal. It might cause additional problems whenever it is used. The item might do collateral damage to surrounding people and buildings, or its use might alert pursuers to the party’s presence.

Wealthy Characters

Princes, scions of mighty trading houses, and other characters of wealth and influence bring a ready supply of plot hooks to your game. But the modest starting budget given to player characters would seem to rule out certain background concepts. World logic says that their vast resources ought to include any piece of gear available for sale, but game balance requires that treasure must be earned in the course of play.

This can be addressed in the character’s background. Perhaps the character is proving a point to doubting elders, stealing away from familial duties to lead a footloose life, or has been banished from the fold, justly or not.

During play, you might also acknowledge the characters’ wealth in areas other than the equipment list. Ordinary citizens fawn over them. They have many contacts and enjoy access to the highest levels of society. Their non-combat garb might be expensively impressive—though of course, social rules forbid them to sell it to buy useful adventuring gear.

Alternatively, if other players consent, a player with a character concept that logically demands it might get a 10–20% bonus to their starting budget.

Not too long ago, Pathfinder Society released an update to the organized play campaign’s animal companion and familiar guidance and rules. That has recently made it onto the FAQ page. The Pathfinder Design Team also recently released–and then revised–an FAQ on calculating costs and multipliers for armor. This FAQ doesn’t mention animal companions, but they are the feature most immediately impacted by the changes as the base prices for large suits of mithral armor have increased drastically.

We haven’t dug into these rulings in detail until now for two reasons. In the case of the PFS rules, they were actively being clarified and updated over the course of a week, and in fact we are still awaiting word on how to interpret certain aspects of the new rules. For the Pathfinder FAQ, it was not immediately clear that the new rules would be final. Given the revision to the FAQ and the posting of the animal companion rules to the PFS FAQ page, now is as good a time as any to talk about the implications we know about, so let’s unpack them.


Oh, and one more thing–for those of you who try to stay up-to-date on Paizo’s FAQ releases, FAQ Friday has been moved to Tuesday. From here on out, all Pathfinder FAQs should be Tuesday releases. Since the materials pricing FAQ was a relatively major change (compared to the typical low impact of most FAQs), and as the design team was able to respond relatively quickly to the concerns instead of letting them simmer in the forums all weekend, it seems to have been a good decision.

Weapon and Armor Costs

Pathfinder Animal Item Slots

Let’s start with the easy one: as of July 19th (although the date claims the 18th) we have a final decision on how to calculate weapon and armor costs.

What’s the question?

As anyone who remembers their middle-school math (and order of operations) knows, if you are going to both add and multiply in the same calculation, it matters which order you do it in. In Pathfinder, this comes into play when you are looking at cost multipliers for weapons and armor. The most common cost multipliers are for size, for unusual shape (in the case of armor; this usually refers to barding), and for cold iron (which doubles the cost). The most common cost additives are for masterwork quality (+150 for armor; +300 for weapons) and for many special materials like mithril, adamantine, and the like.

The rules don’t specify what order you should perform these operations in. Existing items published by Paizo have multiplied the base price first, and then added all the additives later, and most Pathfinder Society players (and many, if not most Pathfinder players) have used this calculation until now. So mithral chain-shirt barding for a large quadruped would be calculated like this:

(100 [base armor cost] x 2 [size] x 2 [shape]) + 1,000 [material] = 1,400 gp

What Changed?

The FAQ is half a clarification and half a change in the rules–it’s not exactly either, because we had a pretty good idea of what the rule was, even if the rulebook never precisely defined it. The new rule specifies that you determine the base price of the item first, including special materials. You then apply multipliers, and finally, the cost of making the item masterwork. The new calculation for mithral chain-shirt barding for a large quadruped looks like this:

(100 [base armor cost] + 1,000 [material]) x 2 [size] x 2 [shape] = 4,400 gp

Why was the FAQ revised?

The FAQ originally included the masterwork quality cost in with the materials cost, before the multiplier. We can’t say exactly why the design team changed their minds on that, but the arguments against the FAQ centered on that point:

  • Cold iron doubles the cost, and this makes masterwork cold iron gear more expensive
  • We have prices for cold iron weapons that do not conform to this (the original) FAQ
  • The rules for calculating weapons do specify in a few places that masterwork costs are not doubled
Pathfinder animal item slots

What are the outstanding questions about this FAQ?

The FAQ appears to have been “finalized,” but there are a few outstanding questions for Pathfinder Society players. The first is over the use of the “Fitting” armor enhancement. The FAQ specifies a cost decrease for certain tiny armors, and for the moment it’s possible to use the fitting enhancement to make some types of armor cheaper than before, for medium and larger humanoid creatures. John Compton has stated that he is examining the future of fitting in PFS; although it may serve a purpose for some animal companions (for example, the mammoths that a mammoth rider rides) it is likely that fitting will be severely restricted if not outright banned. You should probably avoid its use until John has a chance to make a decision.

What about those new weapon and armor mods?

Adventurer’s Armory 2 included weapon and armor mods–modifications you can make to your weapons and armor that add a flat cost and a drawback in exchange for a benefit. Although as of this writing (July 2017) they are not legal in PFS, they are explicitly designed to be added after a weapon or armor has been created. As a result, their costs should clearly not be multiplied.

What do I need to do?

Your masterwork cold iron weapons are safe, but if you have a familiar, mount, animal companion, or other ally who wears armor, you should double check the calculated prices to see if you need to make any changes. John and the PFS team haven’t chimed in with any exceptions to the rebuild rules yet; those rules include selling back the item at full price. If you want, and can afford to, you can then purchase the same item (or a different one) at the new price with whatever money the character has, including the money from selling back the affected item. Large animal companion barding will undoubtedly cost more, as a result of this change; armor for tiny or smaller familiars will probably be cheaper.

Animal Companion and Familiar Rules

The new PFS FAQ on animal companions and familiars is also out. There are a lot of changes here, so make sure you read this thoroughly if you have an animal companion or familiar; the broad rules have not changed, but some of the edge cases have. There are also some unanswered questions. There are also a number of clarifications to the FAQ in the comment section of the associated blog post.

What’s the question?

Simply put, many of the rules for animal companions and familiars were written in forum posts. They are sometimes contradictory. The lists, both of what item slots were available and what familiars could activate magic items using Use Magic Device, were static lists that were not updated to account for new options.

What Changed?

The biggest changes include:

  • The list of animal companions able to use wands has changed.
  • Animal companions and familiars (especially familiars) that come with Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat no longer lose their ability to use dexterity to make attacks while tiny or smaller, if Weapon Finesse is traded out for another familiar feat. Normally, tiny creatures use Dexterity instead of Strength for melee attack rolls, Climb skill checks, and Swim skill checks. According to an older Mike Brock ruling, even though the Weapon Finesse feat was redundant to a tiny creature, it would use strength instead of dexterity on melee attack rolls if it had the feat by default and traded it out.
  • Familiars do not get neck, belt, shoulders, or any other slots open by default. This includes improved familiars, which used to have all slots open and available by default.
  • Familiars cannot use weapons unless they are on a specific list.
  • Specific familiars, even those representing NPCs from specific scenarios, can still be “rebuilt”–for example, exchanging starting feats for familiar-specific feats. (Previously, it was understood that specific familiars came “as-is” and could not be rebuilt in any way.)
  • You can use prestige to retrain other familiar and animal companion feats. (This is not necessarily a change, but is good to know whenever the slots available to a companion or familiar are changing.)

What don’t we know?

At the moment, the combination of the FAQs and clarifications suggests that creatures whose body type lists an armor slot may wear nonmagical armor. However, they cannot wear magical armor unless they have the feat opening up the slot. This seems very strange, and there may be a clarification to this later.

Another possible point of confusion is the ruling that no creature can wear a saddle unless it has a saddle slot. Exotic saddles are designed for creatures with unusual body types, and this ruling would seem to make exotic saddles useless. This aspect may be an unintentional consequence of the FAQ, but nobody knows for sure right now.

You can still ride a mount without a saddle, but with some not-insignificant penalties–a strange situation when there are some classes and archetypes (for example, the First Mother’s Fang nagaji cavalier archetype) that specifically provide a character with a mount that does not include a belt [saddle] slot. As with the mundane/magical slot discrepancy, there may be a clarification later.

What do I need to do?

First, read the FAQ. Second, review your characters with companions to see what you need to do. Linda has stated that as a result of this ruling, you can freely rebuild your companions and familiars–for example, to add the extra item slot feat.

If you currently have a mount with an exotic saddle and the mount does not have a belt [saddle] slot in the new list, you may be able to keep using it while the PFS team sorts out the FAQ. We recommend briefly explaining the situation to your GM, however, instead of assuming that your snake, trilobite, or turtle mount can freely wear their saddle.

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